If we’ve ever met, you’ll know that I love a chat and a cup of coffee. It’s just the best way to get started, and I mean that in so many ways!
Here at B is for Brand, we aim to demystify the rules of branding so that people like you, running your own business, know how to go about creating and building a strong brand and getting a clear message out there.
We want to give you the knowledge and tools to do this brand thing (more or less) by yourself. With just a few simple frameworks and a little bit of help from creative professionals (We’re big fans of not skimping on graphic design), you too can grow your business, leading with your brand.
For me and my small team, the best thing of all is the happy feeling we get from helping YOU to take YOUR business on its best life journey. We absolutely love nothing more than seeing YOU win at branding.
We live by the promise ‘Achieve Brand Clarity’ and will support you to feel confident and to get to grips with the ‘ABCs of Branding’.
We love to deploy our listening skills (the cup of coffee helps with that too) and we want to hear all about the brand issues you struggle with. Our 20+ years’ experience mean that we’re almost certain to be able to help you. We treat every day as a school day and we work super-hard (we call that ‘busting a gut’) to get it right for each of the businesses we work with.
Would you like to be one of them?
We call this getting to grips with ‘The ABCs of Branding’ (see what we did there?)
It’s as simple as…