Wow. What a whirlwind the past couple of months have been! On 31st of January 2018 I closed a thriving domestic cleaning business, Lossiemouth Cleaning Fairies Ltd and returned to my ‘true calling’, as a corporate Branding Consultant.

I do sometimes wonder if I’m the UK’s only Cleaning Lady (or should I say Cleaning Fairy), come Branding Consultant. We certainly must be a rare breed. I’ve definitely received more than my fair share of raised eyebrows whilst explaining my career path…

But despite what other people might think, I would change nothing about the past 5 years. If I had carried on setting up the Branding Consultancy in 2013 instead of jumping into the cleaning business, I would have missed out on the biggest learning opportunity of my life to date. Oh lady, was that a steep learning curve.

And now, here I am almost 5 years later with not one, but two more brands in my portfolio. Furthermore, I now have a head bursting with business knowledge and my own real life experiences (as opposed to my clients’) that just can’t be gleaned from reading another management guide, no matter how clear and insightful it might be.

Above all, I have learned simply to begin. If you do nothing, nothing will happen. If you do something, who knows what will happen and where that will take you. I’m sure I’ll keep you informed along the way!

So a warm welcome to B is for Brand.

Achieve Brand Clarity. It really is as simple as ABC.

Thanks for reading.