Something I hear a lot:
HUGH SIGH… ‘I HATE marketing myself/my business.’
Does that sound like you? Where did all the joy go? Why is it so hard? Are you wondering why you have to spend soooo much time marketing your business? Why don’t people just flock to do business with you?
Marketing feels so frustrating sometimes because:
Fact 1: People are not paying attention to you and your business.
Fact 2: People don’t remember much!
Unless you talk about them about the problem or need they have (that you can help them solve) they will be slow to pay attention. Unless you talk about a problem they have, they’re unlikely to take any action to do business with you.
But maybe you ARE doing all of that already and it STILL feels like pushing water uphill?
The problem is that you can’t change other people’s thoughts and behaviours.

The good news is that you can change yours! But maybe you need some help with that?
More good news on the way.
In ‘Do One Thing’ you’ll get a daily email with a small task and over the course of a year you’ll do around 100 small things that help you to build your brand and grow your business.
You’re also joining a community of like-minded small business owners who feel just like you.
What’s MORE, you get ME taking away some of the stress by planning ahead for you, providing resources, cheering you on and helping you learn to love growing and marketing your business. I’ll be working super-hard to help you change your mindset about marketing your business. Afterall, it is GOOD for your business, right?
All this costs just £27 per month. Is your growing business worth that kind of investment?
Simply sign up to my newsletter to be one of the first to find out when Do One Thing opens for registration again (psssst – in January 2023).
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B is for Brand – Achieve Brand Clarity